Bonnie Mohr Studio- A Must See Stop

The Bonnie Mohr Studio and Glenmark Genetics (the dairy herd of John and Bonnie Mohr) was a stop on the National Holstein Convention tour. This candid photo was taken on Sunday, June 27 at the farm in Glencoe, Minnesota. John and Bonnie were hosts to hundreds of people into their home, art studio, and tie stall barn. Everyone who went through the food line saw these two images (the print and the quote that inspired it), including eight buses and many carloads of people.
There were many positive comments on the "Foster Mothers of the Human Race" painting. Bonnie had extra staff on duty to assist customers with their purchases during the tour stop. Have you purchased your "Foster Mothers of the Human Race" yet? Visit to view order details or call Hoard's Dairyman at 920-563-5551 and ask for Kelly Wood at extension 139.