Remarqued Jersey print sells November 7

The remarqued Foster Mothers print featuring the Jersey will be sold on Sunday, November 7 in Louisville, Ky., at the All-American Jersey Show, which is held at the North American International Livestock Expo. The 58th All American Jersey Sale begins promptly at 5 p.m., with the sale of the remarqued print, followed by the sale of the featured 80 live consignments.
The remarqued print is unique in that it includes a pencil etching highlighting the Jersey cow in the lower corner of the print. There are only two of these remarqued Jersey prints. One hangs in the offices of the American Jersey Cattle Association as part of its permanent art collection, and the other is to be auctioned to support Jersey youth programs. Hoard's Dairyman has donated two prints to each of the seven breeds represented in the painting.
Remarqued prints are the ultimate collector's item and typically command two or three times the value of limited edition prints. Any member of the American Jersey Cattle Association can assist you in participating in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The print is #44/1250 to commemorate Hoard's Dairyman's 125th Anniversary.