Recognizing the special role of the dairy cow, Hoard’s Dairyman donated two limited edition prints to the seven breed associations. Both prints were remarqued and signed by artist, Bonnie Mohr. There are only two, of 1,250 limited edition prints, that are remarqued with a pencil etching of the respective breeds cow. A remarqued print typically brings twice or triple the value of what would be obtained for limited edition prints. One of these remarqued prints is being used in a fund-raising effort with proceeds going towards the breed’s youth programs.
The U.S. Ayrshire Breeders Association auctioned their remarqued print at the National Ayrshire Convention in Murfreesboro, Tenn. this week. This was the first of the seven remarqued prints to be sold. The lucky bidder was Lynn Lee of Tennessee who purchased the print for $425.
The six remaining remarqued prints will be auctioned off at the breed conventions or another breed event within the coming year.
To order your own print or giclee, visit
In the photo above, breed representatives at the 125th celebration stop to take a photo with Bonnie Mohr (sitting) before the remarqued prints were signed. From L to R: Kristin Paul, American Jersey Cattle Association; John Offer, President Wisconsin Ayrshire Breeders; Jillian Walther, American Guernsey Breeders Association; Mike Snyder, Holstein USA; Julie Wadzinski, Red and White Dairy Cattle Association Intern; Nicole Stout, Red and White Dairy Cattle Association; Dave Kendall, American Milking Shorthorn Society; Katelynn Robbins, American Milking Shorthorn Society Intern; and Roger Neitzel, Brown Swiss Cattle Breeder’s Association.
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